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Xenia Solutions | A better way to process

Xenia Solutions

Streamline and optimize your credit card transaction processing

Our Company

We provide added value to our software solutions by offering consultancy and professional services related to our products

Stop the leaks – eliminate interchange fees inefficiencies

Sort out choke points and streamline card payments business process

Minimize manual tasks and improve efficiency


Xenia is a fully functional card processing system for financial institutions and processors for acquiring and routing payments as well as managing the card issuance process. Xenia supports the full range of card products as well as transactions across all channels from ATM and POS to e-commerce and mobile.

Xenia Optimizer

Xenia Optimizer is a ready to go interchange fee optimization tool for banks and acquiring processors. Using Xenia Optimizer bank staff can monitor, analyze and control the process of setting interchange fees for presentments in the process of acquiring credit card transactions.

Xenia Pre-Edit

Xenia Optimizer Pre-Edit Tool offers intuitive user interface showing all aspects of the interchange fee setting process at a glance displaying and comparing all alternatives, evaluating alternative financial returns and allowing for what-if analysis based on the payment information.